G.I.V.E (God .Inspire. Value. Empower)


Kawala Frankline, aka”FrankingNaGod”, is a music artist  from the town of Mombasa, Kenya! Currently residing & studying in Machakos.. Focuses on  Hiphop & Rap music.

FRANKINGNAGOD – Swahili for Franking and GOD.

My ambitions towards Music is driven by my love for music itself, and it’s composition. I can’t imagine the world without Music .

I am very honored to make music that can touch the very lives of people.

I believe God’s purpose for my life lies around music and rap.

I am still in the process of discovering myself ,finding myself in Christ .I intend to leave this world a better place.

If you are reading this i really appreciate .I hope i’ll touch your life too.

So i’ll use this plartform as a channel to share everything about life in a christian perspective.

You can expect fitness posts , i’m a fitness freak (still not in my best form yet), a bit of tec stuff, motivation , movies and music reviews and ofcourse my own lyrics and poems.